Sales Intelligence Platform

Personalize your outbound

SignalFocus is a prospecting platform built to help SaaS sales teams book more meetings through hyper personalized messages.

Get Started

75% increase in conversions from the email sequence to first calls

“We are using SignalFocus to track customers company news, events, activity in Linkedin. The most effective campaign was built based on signals from industry specific media and podcasts. It brings us 75% conversion from messages to calls.”

Val Grabko
COO at PromoRepublic

Add your target account list

Connect your CRM or just upload a spreadsheet.  SignalFocus will surface relevant sales triggers like job changes and company news — all in one spot.


Track sales signals

Stay on top of the latest prospects activity and build stronger relationships.

Job updates

Capture job updates and identify new hires. Plus capture missing key contacts in your target accounts.

Linkedin, Twitter, Quora

Track your prospect messages and intent in popular or niche social networks


Separate real signals from the noise. SignalFocus can track only sales relevant mentions in selected list of magazines, news websites, RSS.


Compose personalized messages via ChatGPT

With one click, SignalFocus generates personal email drafts. Tailor your message based on a prospect’s LinkedIn activity, education, current events.


Get notifications in Slack, Email

Receive daily updates. Stay on top of the latest activity and ahead of your competition.

Start your personalized outbound

Help your sales team to write context-based message and double their reply rate

Get Started